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Saturday 10 September 2022

AIOU Announces Significant Fee Reductions for Students Affected by the Flood

AIOU Announces Significant Fee Reductions for Students Affected by the Flood

AIOU Announces Significant Fee Reductions for Students Affected by the Flood
AIOU Announces Significant Fee Reductions for Students Affected by the Flood

AIOU Announces Significant Fee Reductions for Students Affected by the Flood


The AIOU's Directorate of Public Relations (PR) sent out a notification in this respect on Friday.

According to details, students who are currently enrolled in matric and inter at the university's campuses in Sindh (aside from Karachi), Balochistan, Dera Ismail Khan (DI Khan), and Dera Ghazi Khan (DG Khan) will receive a complete fee waiver during the current admissions for the fall semester of 2022.

Additionally, students pursuing the Associate Degree in Arts (ADA) in the aforementioned areas will get a 50% semester fee discount.

Updates For already Paid Fees 

It is significant to remember that matric and inter students who have already paid their tuition will be reimbursed in the upcoming spring semester of 2023.

Relief Camps in flood affected areas held by AIOU.

The university has also built 30 relief camps in the flood-affected districts, according to the Vice-Chancellor (VC) of the AIOU, Prof. Dr. Zia Al Qayyum, where the flood victims are getting aid in the form of medical care, daily needs, clothes, shoes, and food, among other things.

Donation by ASA and EWA.

Additionally, Rs. 3.5 million in cash, tents, clothes, food, and medication were given to the flood victims by the Academic Staff Association (ASA) and Employees Welfare Associations (EWA).

Lets know about major flood affected areas in Pakistan.

Major Flood Affected Areas in Pakistan:


In Sindh, flooding have resulted in 578 fatalities and 8,321 injuries. Of the 251 children who perished, three died when the roof of their home in Kandhkot collapsed. In Sindh, 10 million people have been displaced, 57,496 homes—mostly in the Hyderabad Division—have been badly damaged or entirely destroyed, and 830 livestock have also perished. Farmland covering 6,200 km2 (1,540,000 acres) has been destroyed by the floods.
Aerial shot of a flood-covered Shahdadkot city in September 2022.
The divisions of Larkana and Sukkur have also been badly impacted, while Thari Mirwah and K.N. Shah have been "inundated." The Indus River is now a 100 km (62 km) broad lake as a result of the floods.

The city of Karachi has not yet been impacted by the recent water, although it has in the past.

Lake Manchar flooded during the storms, and in September 2022, measures were launched to aid with its drainage.


267 people died in Balochistan flooding. Numerous families were uprooted. 1,230 km2 (304,000 acres) of crops were lost, while 426,897 homes were either damaged or destroyed entirely. Additionally, 500,000 animals have perished.

Quetta, the capital of Balochistan, has been designated a disaster area owing to rain, according to the Relief Commissioner Provincial Disaster Management, and an emergency has been proclaimed throughout the province.


Floods caused 293 fatalities and 600,000 displaced persons. Five kids from the Upper Dir District were among them; they were on their way home from school when the floodwaters carried them away and perished. Floods and landslides destroyed 326,897 homes, and cow barn collapses killed 7,742 livestock. A recently constructed hotel in Swat District has fallen because of severe floods. The June 2022 earthquake in Afghanistan previously had an impact on the province's southwest.

Five persons who were trapped in a hill stream in Lower Kohistan District were washed away; four of them died, and one was saved. Eight nomads perished in Balakot as a result of floods in a Kunhar River tributary. Additionally, 12 individuals lost their lives in flooding caused by flash floods from hill torrents in several Dera Ismail Khan neighbourhoods.


The Karakoram Highway was severely damaged by floods, and 22 people perished and four are still missing. Landslides forced the closure of many roads to traffic. The hardest impacted areas were Ghizar, Nagar, Diamer, Ghanche, and Astore. Due to floods and landslides, 420 dwellings were completely destroyed and 740 were damaged. High water flows in the Indus River also caused damage of the S-1 Strategic Highway. The Ishkoman River flooded, cutting off the Ishkoman Valley Road near Gutkash. In the Ghanche District, a bridge at Chhorbat was also inundated. Nagar District's valley roads and two bridges were destroyed by floodwaters.

In the Diamer District, there are additional reports of damage in Khanar and Bonar. Most of Ghizer's villages had been completely devastated by the flood as of August 26. Buber Valley, Gahkuch, and Gulmuti are a few of these. Residents in the flood-affected regions
were ordered to leave. The height of the river is becoming exceedingly hazardous.


There were 191 fatalities and 3,858 injured in Punjab. Numerous communities in Taunsa Sharif were flooded by floodwaters. To the west of Taunsa Sharif in the mediaeval village of Mangadotha, floodwaters carried away hundreds of homes and animals. Farmland of 7,200 km2 (1,780,000 acres) was also devastated. Communities near inundated rivers started to evacuate their residents, with most families leaving the area. Due to the destruction of roads and bridges, the majority of the families have relocated to safer areas on foot and by camel, taking just the necessities with them.

News Sources:- Pro Pakistani

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