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Wednesday 7 September 2022

Punjab plans to promote 400,000 teachers

Punjab plans to promote 400,000 teachers

Punjab plans to promote 400,000 teachers
Punjab plans to promote 400,000 teachers

The Punjab government has loosened the requirements for teacher promotions. 400,000 instructors in basic, elementary, and senior schools are anticipated to gain from the change.


Primary school educators will be promoted to BS-17, elementary educators to BS-19, and senior school educators to BS-20 under the new regulations.

The provincial government's decision to loosen the requirements for teacher promotions has been praised by the Punjab Teachers Union (PTU).

A PTU representative said that teachers used to have to wait years for advancements before they could leave the profession.

Regarding Punjab Government plan to promote 400,000 teachers, here is all you need to know:

Green Signal by the Government

Dr. Murad Raas, the education minister for Punjab, stated last month that 14,000 instructors in public sector educational institutions will be regularised.

The summary for the regularisation of 14,000 teachers has been started, signed, and forwarded to the provincial government, the minister said on Twitter.

Lets have a look how SED work in Punjab.

Functions of School Education Department

The following are the duties carried out by the school education department:

Planning, policymaking, and legislation

The School Education Department's areas of law, policy development, and planning are as follows:

  • Primary Education
  • Elementary Education
  • Secondary and Higher Secondary Education

Keeping Education Standards High

Eligibility Criteria

This upkeep consists of:
  • Creating the syllabi and curriculum for classes XI and XII.
  • Textbook creation and distribution for grades I through XII.

System for Monitoring and Evaluation

This system consists of:
  • The giving out of free books
  • Developing plans
  • presence of both teaching and support staff
  • updating information available online
  • Resolution of public grievances

Encouraging High-Quality Education

A quality education is made possible by:
  • Punjabi education evaluation system
  • Through the Punjab Examination Commission, students in Grades V and VIII of primary school are evaluated.
  • Scholarship awards
  • Films for education and science are made and distributed.

Employee Development

These are the duties of staff development:
  • Training for new and experienced instructors Continuous professional development (CPD)

Additional Functions of SED

In addition to the aforementioned duties, the department also does the following:
  • concerns with Punjab Daanish Schools and Centers of Excellence
  • To advance quality education through Punjab Education Foundation's public-private cooperation
  • Issues pertaining to the Punjab Teachers' Foundation
  • Finance, accounting, and auditing issues
  • The acquisition of supplies and capital equipment for the department is one of the service issues, excluding those entrusted to the Services and General Administration Department.

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